Jira is a robust project management software that aids teams in planning, tracking, and managing projects effectively. It offers a centralized platform for collaboration, task organization, and issue tracking, enabling teams to stay organized, prioritize tasks, and ensure timely project completion. Jira's customizable workflow, advanced reporting, and integration capabilities allow businesses to streamline processes, boost productivity, and achieve project success.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Jira?
  • 04How Jira compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Jira best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Jira Reviews

Pros from reviewers

  • Integration with Atlassian Ecosystem: Jira seamlessly integrates with other Atlassian products like Confluence and Jira Product Discovery, promoting collaboration without the need to switch between different platforms

  • Flexibility: Despite its complexity, Jira's flexibility is one of its greatest strengths. It can be used company-wide, from Development to Customer Support to Product Management

  • Agile Methodology Support: Jira is specifically designed for Agile, supporting comprehensive project management, scrum boards, and sprint planning. It allows for dynamic sprint capacity assessment and the creation of various types of dashboards for issues or tasks

  • User-Friendly: Despite some criticisms, many users find Jira user-friendly and powerful, with numerous integrations. It's considered an excellent all-in-one agile tool.

  • Task Management: Jira is highly valued for its task management capabilities. It allows for the effortless creation of tasks and stories, planning of sprints, and generation of reports to view burndown charts

Cons from reviewers

  • Poor customer service: Some users have reported poor customer service experiences with Jira. This includes difficulty in getting assistance with issues, and problems with billing and account management

  • Complexity and difficulty in implementation: Jira is often criticized for its complexity and difficulty in implementation. Its flexibility, while a strength, can also be a weakness, especially for users who are not familiar with the system

  • Third-party tools/addons billing: Jira's third-party tools/addons are billed based on the number of active Jira users. This can be a disadvantage for companies with a large number of users, as it can significantly increase costs

  • Learning curve for advanced features: To create advanced filters or dashboards, users need to learn Jira Query Language (JQL). This can be complex and time-consuming, especially for users who are not familiar with programming or query languages

  • Paywalls for essential features: Some essential features, such as Agile Roadmap, Story Point charts and reports, and feature tracking, are hidden behind additional paywalls. This can increase costs and limit the usefulness of the software for agile project management.

Main features

Starting Price


/ user / month

Free Plan


Agile project management

Issue tracking

Custom workflows

Reporting and dashboards


What is Jira?

Jira is a robust and customizable software for issue tracking and project management, designed to enhance collaboration and productivity within teams. It adopts an agile approach, allowing users to plan, track, and release software iterations efficiently. Jira provides real-time visibility into project progress, helping teams prioritize tasks, assign roles, and monitor deadlines. Its intuitive interface and customizable workflows facilitate smooth collaboration. Additionally, its integration capabilities with other software make it versatile for various industries. Jira is suitable for both small teams and large enterprises, helping businesses stay organized, improve communication, and achieve successful project outcomes.

While the two tools we are comparing are digital project management solutions, their use cases vary. Clickup is an easy-to-use, versatile solution. It is capable of meeting the needs of start-ups and small teams looking for software that makes organizing and planning projects easier. Jira, on the other hand, is a platform designed primarily for project development or agile team management. It is therefore more specialized and generally meets the needs of larger companies.

As a general-purpose tool, ClickUp’s software incorporates a large number of highly relevant native features. Automation, budget management and risk management are all native features of the software. All the teams that use it therefore have, from the outset, all the components they need to bring their project to a successful conclusion by effectively planning its various aspects. Clickup is particularly well suited to teams who want to get straight to the point and have limited resources. They will have everything...

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Notion and Jira serve different primary purposes and audiences. Notion started as a note-taking app and has evolved into an all-in-one workspace designed for a general audience. It aims to centralize content, projects, data, and client work, offering a high level of flexibility and a clean, simple interface. On the other hand, Jira was specifically crafted for project management in the realm of software development and issue tracking. It's a tool that excels in handling complex projects with intricate task breakdowns and is particularly adept at managing multiple projects and generating reports.

Notion shines in its flexibility and ease of use. Its platform covers a broad range of functionalities, including note-taking, internal wikis, task management, and document creation. This makes it particularly useful for small to medium-sized teams who require a blend of individual note-taking capabilities with larger document creation and storage. Notion's flexibility extends to its project...

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Streamline your workflow and unleash your productivity

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While Asana and Jira are both popular project management tools, it’s essential to understand their key differences to make an informed choice for your business. The main point of distinction is their use cases. Asana, with a particular focus on task management, can be used across various industries to manage a wide range of project types. Users can create, assign, and automate tasks, creating visual workflows tailored to their projects. With in-built task dependencies and diverse project views, including Kanban, Gantt charts, calendars, lists, and timelines, Asana supports agile methodologies and extends to broader use cases. 

In comparison, Jira is a project management tool specifically for agile teams, such as software developers. While it accommodates general project management needs, the platform’s features are tailored to suit the requirements of development teams and are ideal for issue tracking. For example, Jira includes DevOps and bug-tracking templates. Features like...

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Streamline your workflow and unleash your productivity

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Project management platform

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Who is Jira best for according to our reviewers?

  • Product Management Teams: These teams heavily rely on Jira for daily task management, operating in a Scrum style. They also use it for road mapping, prioritization, and idea tracking

  • Development Teams: These teams use Jira for managing comprehensive projects and adhering to scrum boards or agile methodologies. They can create tasks and stories, plan sprints, and generate reports to view the burndown charts

  • Customer Support Teams: Jira is used by these teams to promote collaboration without the need to switch between different platforms. They can create various types of dashboards for issues or tasks using JQL queries

  • Agile Project Management Teams: These teams find Jira extremely useful for different project management and workflows. They value its numerous integrations and its specific design for Agile

  • Quality Assurance Teams: These teams find Jira and Confluence excellent tools for managing multi-task agile projects. They use the kanban board to meet their team's goals and find the security settings, filters, and setup locations simple and effective.

  • Jira Reviews


    Jira rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    12 Jira Reviews

    4.3 (12 reviews)
    • Mark Brown

      Jira: A QA Tester's Dream for Bug Tracking and Resolution

      As a QA tester, I find Jira's bug tracking capabilities to be excellent. It allows me to log bugs, link them to relevant tasks, and track their resolution in a systematic manner

      June 25, 2024

    • Rose Davis

      Jira: A Business Analyst's Flexible Issue Tracking Solution

      As a business analyst, I appreciate the flexibility that Jira offers in terms of issue tracking. It allows me to easily categorize issues, assign them to team members, and track their resolution

      June 18, 2024

    • Helen

      Jira's Agile Features for Scrum Masters

      As a Scrum Master, I find Jira's agile features extremely helpful. The Scrum and Kanban boards provide a clear visual representation of our sprint progress, making it easier to manage our backlog and plan future sprints

      June 8, 2024

    • Ann

      Efficient Code Review and Documentation with Jira Integration.

      As a software developer, I appreciate Jira's seamless integration with development tools like Bitbucket and Confluence. It makes code review and documentation processes much more efficient

      June 1, 2024

    • Kevin

      Exploring Jira: A High-Tier Customer's Experience and Expectations

      Jira is a software that truly delivers on its promises! It's been an interesting journey navigating through its features and capabilities. As a high-tier customer, I've had the opportunity to interact with their support team extensively, creating over 1 support tickets. It's been quite an adventure, and I've learned so much in the process. I'm eagerly looking forward to the end of our contract, not because I want to leave, but because I'm excited to explore what other solutions they might have to offer. The interaction with the support team has been a unique experience, and it's clear that our business, worth over $5k per year, is important to them.

      May 28, 2024

    • Zephyr S

      Efficient Project Management with Jira's Multi-Project Support

      As a consultant, I appreciate how Jira supports multiple projects simultaneously. This makes it easier for me to manage different client projects without any confusion or overlap

      May 20, 2024

    • Jason A

      Jira: A Software Test Manager's Experience

      My overall experience with Jira has been positive, particularly when using and managing comprehensive projects and adhering to scrum boards or agile methodologies. I can effortlessly create tasks and stories to manage the project and plan the sprints. Once a sprint is completed, I can generate reports to view the burndown charts. I can assess the sprint capacity dynamically by assigning the sprint to my tasks or stories. I can also create various types of dashboards for issues or tasks using JQL queries. However, I need to learn JQL to create advanced filters or dashboards, and sometimes adding a new column to a filter can be complex. Exporting data to excel can also be challenging at times. I initially switched to Jira because it was recommended by a client, and I've since grown accustomed to it due to its excellent features.

      May 11, 2024

    • Flynn

      Efficient Project Management with Customizable Workflows

      its intuitive interface and robust features make it easy to keep track of project progress. The ability to customize workflows is particularly beneficial, allowing me to tailor the software to fit my team's specific needs

      May 5, 2024

    • Ronald

      Maintaining Team Management Integrity: My Experience with Jira

      My experience with Jira has been quite enlightening. They have a unique feature where they keep your account active and your data intact as long as you log in regularly. This actually encouraged me to stay engaged and regularly check my account, ensuring that I was always up-to-date with my team's disaster recovery procedures. It was a matter of a few months, not even years, which I found to be a reasonable timeframe. During this period, I didn't need to log in frequently, but I appreciated the fact that Jira was proactive in maintaining the integrity of their server space. I'm glad I chose them and would highly recommend others to consider Jira for their team management needs!

      April 29, 2024

    • Reed S

      Challenging to Master, Yet a Worthwhile Investment for Seamless Collaboration

      I value Jira for its integration with the Atlassian ecosystem. As a member of the Product Management team, we heavily depend on Jira for daily task management, operating in a 2-week Scrum style. We use Confluence for documentation and product requirement documents, and Jira Product Discovery for road mapping, prioritization, and idea tracking. All products in the Atlassian ecosystem work seamlessly together. While Jira is often criticized for its complexity and difficulty in implementation, I see its flexibility as both its greatest strength and weakness. I appreciate that Jira is used company-wide, from Development to Customer Support to Product Management, promoting collaboration without the need to switch between different platforms. Having a few Jira experts in the company helps overcome any implementation challenges. However, I am not fond of the fact that Jira's third-party tools/addons are billed based on the number of active Jira users.

      April 20, 2024

    • Henry W

      Appreciating Jira's Thorough Data Retention Policy and GDPR Compliance

      I've been using Jira for over a year now and I must say, their data retention policy is quite thorough! Even after deciding to delete my account, they've kept me in the loop with regular updates and notifications. It's clear they take GDPR requests seriously and are committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I appreciate their diligence in this process!

      April 16, 2024

    • Bobby

      Jira: An Invaluable Tool for Project Management

      As a project manager, I find Jira to be an invaluable tool for tracking and managing tasks

      April 14, 2024