Smartlook is a robust analytics software designed to maximize the use of your data. It simplifies the analysis of user behavior, facilitating the development of engaging and intuitive digital experiences. Smartlook empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, enhancing user engagement. This tool provides valuable insights into user interactions, helping to optimize websites and apps for better performance and customer satisfaction.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Smartlook?
  • 04How Smartlook compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Smartlook best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Smartlook Reviews

Pros from reviewers

  • Heat Maps: The software offers heat maps that show what areas of a website or app users interact with the most and what they avoid. This visual representation of data can help identify areas for improvement

  • Session Recording: Smartlook records user sessions, providing a detailed view of their experience. This can guide enhancements and help identify issues that may not be immediately apparent

  • Cost-Effective: Smartlook offers a two-month free period when paid for an entire year, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses

  • Enhanced Conversion Rate: Smartlook provides insights into customer interactions, helping to understand what elements of a website or app are engaging or being ignored. This information can be used to improve user experience and boost sales

  • Detailed User Analysis: The software provides unique insights into user behavior by recording all user activity on websites and mobile apps. It also displays crucial data like IP addresses and country information, helping businesses understand their audience better.

Cons from reviewers

  • High cost: Smartlook can be expensive, particularly for small businesses, and some users have suggested the introduction of smaller, more affordable packages

  • Data loss and filter issues: Some users have reported that data can disappear unexpectedly and that the application filters do not always work correctly

  • Heatmap and CSS cache issues: Heatmaps do not function properly on Single Page Application (SPA) web pages, and the default CSS cache can cause delays in updating changes to the website, leading to apparent errors in the recordings

  • Geolocator discrepancies: The geolocator does not always align with the one on the user's site, which can sometimes make it challenging to locate a user's session.

  • Mobile application and dashboard improvements: There have been suggestions for enhancements and updates to the mobile applications to improve the overall user experience, and for the dashboard to be made more user-friendly

Main features

Starting Price


/ month

Free Plan



Error logs

Mobile app analytics

Session recording


What is Smartlook?

Smartlook is a qualitative analytics tool that revolutionizes how businesses understand user interaction. It captures every user journey, making complex data accessible and actionable, and helps craft strategies that resonate with the audience. Beyond being an analytics platform, Smartlook is an insight discovery engine that enhances customer engagement. It offers features like monitoring user sessions, mapping conversion funnels, creating heatmaps for visual interaction insights, robust filtering options, event tracking capabilities, and user segmentation. This allows businesses to tailor content that captures attention and converts. Its user-friendly interface bridges the gap between data scientists and business stakeholders. Trusted by leading brands like Rakuten, Papa John's, and HubSpot, Smartlook also provides exclusive offers and discounts through Secret for this elite analytics tool and other exceptional SaaS solutions.

Hotjar and Smartlook are robust and adaptable analytical solutions that can help you gain more insights into user behavior on your website or mobile application. While they have a lot of similarities, there are also differences that set them apart. 

Hotjar is more user-centric, with a focus on the user experience segment. Hotjar offers tools like heatmaps, on-site feedback mechanisms, and session recordings. With such tools, you will be able to see what pain points users experience and thus improve your offering. Furthermore, Hotjar offers feedback and survey tools through which you can collect valuable insights from your user base.  

On the other hand, Smartlook offers a package of tools that focuses on website analytics through heatmaps and user behavior analysis. Its main feature is its adaptability by being deployable on both a website and on a mobile application, making it cross-platform in a sense. To streamline user behavior, Smartlook provides insights into how...

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Who is Smartlook best for according to our reviewers?

  • Small Business Owners: These individuals can use Smartlook to understand what customers are interacting with on their websites, and what they're disregarding. This can help them boost sales and enhance their conversion rate

  • Product Teams: Smartlook provides a blend of qualitative and quantitative analysis, allowing product teams to gain new insights into how users interact with their product. They can track every event and analyze where users are dropping out of key workflows

  • Marketing Economists: These professionals can use Smartlook to gain insights into customer behavior and the performance of their websites. The software provides unique insights by recording all user activity on websites and mobile apps

  • Web Designers: Smartlook is a tool that can assist web designers in observing user behavior and implementing actions to improve user experience. It can also help them understand if their websites are functioning as intended.

  • Application Developers: Developers can use Smartlook to discover issues in their applications that visitors are facing. The platform allows them to watch customer actions live, which can be particularly useful during debugging or Beta stages

  • Smartlook Reviews


    Smartlook rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    13 Smartlook Reviews

    4.2 (13 reviews)
    • Bobby G

      Uncover User Navigation Patterns on Your Website with Smartlook

      I use Smartlook on my website weekly to collect hundreds of videos for review, helping me identify potential issues or areas for improvement. Smartlook is a great tool for understanding user interaction with my website, as it records videos of user navigation and provides basic information like the browser used, the user's country of origin, and the device used. These recordings assist me in identifying potential improvements or issues on my website and understanding why users may struggle to complete a process, thus allowing me to enhance their experience. Smartlook also enables me to create heatmaps and funnels for better goal tracking. However, heatmaps don't function properly on SPA web pages, and the default CSS cache can cause delays in updating changes to the website, leading to apparent errors in the recordings.

      June 30, 2024

    • Helen Martinez

      Seamless Integration and Helpful Support

      The integration with our existing systems was seamless and the customer support team was extremely helpful throughout the process

      June 22, 2024

    • William Martinez

      Smart Software, Disappointing Post-Purchase Service

      I was extremely disappointed when I was only offered a credit instead of a refund for the VAT that shouldn't have been charged to my UK-based business. After several attempts to reach their support team, I stopped receiving responses. Be aware! The insights they provide for client onboarding are invaluable. However, if you're a European customer and don't want to be charged VAT that you can't recover, the sign-up process can be misleading. Despite offering the VAT as a credit note, they refused to give a refund. The vendor responded by apologizing for the misunderstanding with their customer care team. They explained that the VAT issue arose because I didn't provide my VAT ID during the order process, which resulted in an automatic 20% VAT inclusion. They mentioned that when customers forget to add their VAT ID and later request a refund, it disrupts their accounting, so they try to resolve it with a credit. However, if a customer doesn't agree with the credit, they refund it.

      June 15, 2024

    • Michelle F

      Event Tracking: A Deeper Understanding of User Engagement

      I have been impressed by the level of detail in the event tracking feature, it has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of user engagement

      June 11, 2024

    • Adam M

      Frequent Issues Encountered

      I discovered issues in our application that our visitors were facing. The idea of watching customer actions live is fantastic and the platform is simple to implement without changing any code. However, it appears that the cost is greater than the benefits. Data can disappear unexpectedly and the application filters don't work correctly. I would suggest exploring other options as well. Lukas, the CMO at Smartlook, thanked me for my review in January 2021.

      June 3, 2024

    • Jack S

      Session Recording: Improving User Experience

      The session recording feature has been particularly useful in identifying any usability issues, enabling us to make necessary adjustments for a smoother user experience

      May 28, 2024

    • Kayla D

      Completely Non-functional

      Firstly, their website lacks the necessary information to integrate the tracking code after account creation. Secondly, the tracking code provided in their email is also non-functional, linking to a non-existent script (44 error). This is the same for the code on their support page and startup guide. I won't even consider contacting them, as if the basic functionality is not working immediately, I can't trust them to record any data on my website.

      May 19, 2024

    • Diane C

      Smartlook: Understanding User Behavior

      I have found Smartlook to be an invaluable tool in understanding user behavior on our website

      May 13, 2024

    • Frank R

      Smartlook: The Tool That Boosted My

      Smartlook is a tool that has assisted my company,, in observing user behavior and implementing actions to please the user. However, they do have a few issues such as their slow pace in introducing new features and resolving existing bugs.

      May 6, 2024

    • Jacqueline J

      Deceptive Unknown Business Signs You Up Without Consent via Chat Bot Scam!

      Apparently, I'm signed up with Smartlook as they've been emailing me. I visited their website to understand who they are and what they do, but found it filled with generic pages and content that provide no information. There's no mention of their business type or any other details. It's surprising how a website can be so uninformative. I feel it's a waste of money for whoever paid for such a website. It seems quite shady. I tried to inquire via their chat app and ended up with a scheduled appointment to get started, but I still don't know what I'm supposed to start with. I was auto-signed up without my consent by their chat bot. There's something very wrong with this site and I would advise others to steer clear of it.

      April 30, 2024

    • Merrick

      Unlocking Visitor Insights: The Power of Analytics Today

      With Smartlook, I can identify if my visitors are having problems when making a purchase or finding a button. It also helps me recognize the most common actions on a specific page. It records visits from mobile devices and tablets, storing the videos for three days in the app (which can be extended by inviting friends to use the solution) and for three months in the cloud. In addition to the video, I can see the visitor's IP address, location, browser, traffic source, and time spent on the page, making it a great tool for analysis. The limit is quite short, but it's enough unless your website has a lot of traffic. Recently, the tool has failed to record several sessions and now blocks the checkout page on the free version. A world map showing all user connections would be beneficial. The vendor responded with a thank you in March 2018.

      April 23, 2024

    • Harold Rodriguez

      Smartlook: A Powerful Tool for Comprehensive Product Analysis

      Smartlook is the perfect blend of qualitative and quantitative analysis for our product team. It gives us a new insight into how users interact with our product, from their speed in achieving key goals to how our product appears on different resolutions. Smartlook's real power lies in its ability to record every event and allow smooth searching across all past events. We can use these events in funnels to analyze where users are dropping out of key workflows. Since all events are automatically tracked, we can immediately find out how many users have used a specific feature since its launch by searching the pre-recorded events. It's truly amazing! The Smartlook support team was excellent, helping us fix an issue with the Smartlook recorder not correctly capturing some of our product's layout attributes. Now everything works perfectly. I have no complaints about Smartlook, although I am excited for more flexibility with pinning stacked event charts as a single dashboard tile. This would make tracking our key metrics really smooth.

      April 16, 2024

    • Tate G

      Optimizing Site Layout with Heatmaps

      The heatmaps feature has provided me with a clear visual representation of user interaction, allowing me to optimize our site layout

      April 13, 2024